How I Made A Delicious Fermentation With A “Plain Vegetable”

People often ask me, “Oleg, which vegetable do you eat the most during winter?”

Honestly, I love ALL vegetables so it is hard to choose.

BUT if I must pick, my choice definitely would be a green, leafy, crunchy, and flavorful one. My favorite way to complement food when eating my meals is a yummy preserved jar of 💚💚💚💚.

Which garden treasure surprised me and now I can not wait to share it with you?

A few more hints ( or love notes😉) maybe?

This veggie grows in all four seasons however you taste the best flavor after the first frost. When touched by the COLD, the starches in the leaves turn into sugars and make them full of sweetness. 😋

Would it excite YOU if you know you can grow this tasty vegetable in a cold frame, greenhouse, or in a winter garden under the cover? It is fascinating how this veggie thrives in cold weather!

Have you guessed what veggie is that?

I love KALE.

I started growing vegetables in my cold frame a few years ago. I was looking for ways to have delightful greens all year round. I have tried many varieties of Kale with success: Redbor, Curly, Red Russian, Lacinato…

There are soooo many benefits of eating Kale as a healthy choice: rich in nutrients, easy to digest, strengthens our microbiota and MOST importantly, delicious

I truly am krazy about Kale!

If you are not fond of eating Kale I hope these fun facts will help you love it too:

  • 1 cup of chopped kale gives you 100% daily source of Vitamins A, C, and K 😋
  • When you eat kale you swallow the source of mineral calcium – 1 cup of kale is equivalent to 250ml of milk 😋
  • Low in calories (33 cal) and carbohydrates (7g) in 1 cup – great for diabetics and watching your waistline 😋 
  • You can make kale creations like preserve, smoothie, salad, soup, bake as a chip, sauté as a side course or just eat raw as a snack😋
  • Kale relatives are Cabbage, Brussels, Sprouts and Collards 😋

In today’s gardenhowto video you’ll discover 😉: 

  1. Tips & tricks for making delicious Kale fermentation; 💚
  2. How you can create fermenting preserve that will help you to build a stronger immunity and digestive system; 💚


3. Why do you have to be generous with SALT in your fermenting practice. 💚

Now, it’s your turn to indulge yourself in your own experiment of preservation! Feel free to add your own flavors that you adore by mixing in your own garden spices and herbs and share your delicious recipe with me. I’d love to hear from you!

Play with this recipe and don’t kale yourself on mistakes! 😊

In the comments below, tell me:

  • What foods you’re preserving in your kitchen right now? 
  • What favorite vegetable would you love to preserve for winter?
  • Describe what obstacle or mistake you faced so we can work together in the joy of food preservation.

If you want to learn how to play with the flavors during the food preservation and get advanced in fermenting fruits and veggies, I welcome you to the online food-growing community

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